Online Advisors Insurance Agency Ltd

0723 645 810

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What should I do if I have a problem with claim<br>settlement?

 Let your agent or company representative know that you are
If the agent or representative is unable to solve your problem, lodge
a formal complaint with the Chief Executive Officer of the company

 Be prepared to support your case
Send documents and a letter explaining why you are not satisfied and
make sure you have the figures to back up your argument. For instance,
if you are dissatisfied with the assessment report then you can request
for a second opinion from a registered assessor but at your own cost.

 Contact the Commissioner of Insurance or the Association of Kenya

 Consult your lawyer
As a last resort consult a lawyer who specializes in motor insurance.
You need to get the lawyer’s fee structure in writing. Your lawyer must
have your agreement before committing to any settlement.
After your claim has been settled, take time to re-evaluate your motor
insurance cover to make sure that you have adequate protection.

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